Call Studio is a platform for creating, managing, and deploying sophisticated voice/VXML applications. It is developed using the Eclipse framework, though no knowledge of Eclipse is necessary to work with Call Studio. Call Studio acts as a container in which features – called plug-ins – are encapsulated. It includes plug-ins for voice application development, Java programming, and many other features provided by Eclipse.
Builder for Call Studio
Builder for Call Studio (or Builder) is the most important plug-in for Call Studio. It provides a drag-and-drop graphical user interface to create and manage voice applications for deployment on VXML Server.
You can build a complete dynamic voice application within Builder, including call flow and audio elements. Builder for Call Studio provides below:
- Intuitive interface — Using a process similar to flowcharting software, the application developer can use Builder for Call Studio to create an application, define its call flow, and configure it to the exact specifications required.
- Design and build at the same time — Builder for Call Studio acts as a design tool as well as a building tool, allowing the developer to rapidly try different application call flows and then test them out immediately.
- No technical details required — Builder for Call Studio requires little to no technical knowledge of Java, VoiceXML, or other markup languages.
- Rapid application development — By using Builder for Call Studio, developers can shorten deployment times.
CVP Call Studio Preferences Menu
You can set Preferences for Call Studio by choosing Window > Preferences from the menu bar. Most of the settings listed here apply to the Eclipse platform; however, those listed under Call Studio are specifically intended for Call Studio. Restart Call Studio if you make any changes to these settings.
General sub menu under Preferences -> Call Studio includes below opitons:
- Expand elements in Elements View—This setting controls whether elements in the Elements view appear fully expanded or collapsed (the default).
- Expand call flow elements in Outline View—This setting controls whether call flow elements in the Outline view appear fully expanded (the default) or collapsed.
Following fields under Preferences > Call Studio > Debug Preferences are new starting Release 11.5
- Proxy URL— Enter the Proxy URL for Context Service network traffic.
- Timeout—This setting controls the waiting period of the client for a response from Context Service. You can set between 1200 and 5000.
- Test connection— This button shows the validity of connection data through the Proxy URL.
CVP Call Studio Project
A Call Studio project contains all of the resources required to build and deploy voice applications that run on VXML Server.
The callflow folder contains the XML files that make up that application’s call flow and element configurations. The app.callflow file opens the Callflow Editor and graphically represents the call flow based on the information found in these files. These files are updated, when you save the application.
The deploy folder contains any extra resources required for deployment; for example, local custom elements and Say It Smart plug-ins.
The subflow folder contains of all the XML files related to subflows. Each subflow has a folder inside the subflow folder, and it will contain the files related to subflow.
The app.callflow and .subflow file open the Callflow Editor and recreate the call flow based on the information found in the XML files in the callflow and subflow folder. These files are updated, when you save the application.
Create CVP Call Studio Project
Follow below steps to create Call Studio Project:
- Choose File > New > Call Studio Project from CVP Call Studio
- Enter a name for the new Call Studio project. Navigate to a folder location where you want to save it or keep Default checked. Click Next.
- Enter the General Settings for the new Call Studio Project and select Next. You can change these settings later.
- Enter the Audio Settings for the new Call Studio Project and select Next. You can change Audio Settings later.
- Enter the Endpoint Settings for the new Call Studio Project and select Next. You can change Endpoint Settings later.
- Enter the Root Document Settings for the new Call Studio Project and select Finish. You can change Root Document Settings later.
- The new Call Studio Project will display in the Navigator view.
- The new application’s call flow will automatically open in the Callflow Editor.
So now we are familiar with Call Studio Builder and how to start a new project, we will look at some of important elements in next part.